Happy Sunday! It's a drizzly, wet, and slightly cold day here in Iowa. It's the kind of day when you stay indoors, snuggle with a warm blanket, watch football, blog, facebook, and pinterest! Haha! Don't all of those sound absolutely wonderful?!?
Recently my mind has been racing about things I want to do and get done before I turn 30. Its causing many sleepless nights and many "to do" lists laying around my house. To give my mind a rest, I decided to compile my lists, ideas, and dreams into ONE list of 30 things I want to do by the time I turn 30. I encourage everyone to do this, if you haven't already. I keep asking myself....."Do I really want to put a time frame on it? Should it just be called a "Bucket List?" I decided on the time frame because I'm OCD and it will help me stay focused.
Currently, I'm 26 years old. My birthday is August 17th. This means I have 31/2 years or 1,333 days to accomplish everything on my list. :)
1. go to Europe.....(London, Paris, Italy, Greece, Scotland, Ireland, Venice)
2. buy our first home.
3. become consumer debt FREE (all credit cards and automobile)
4. move to Nashville, Tennessee.
5. parasail over the ocean
6. lose 20 pounds from this body
7. run the Bix (all 7 miles with my good friend Jodi C.)
8. renovate an entire kitchen
9. create my label.....Honeysuckle Lane
10. sew my own stock pile of cloth diapers
11. have Baby Reckman #1
12. go to Hawaii
13. meet Dave Ramsey
14. ride in a hotair balloon
15. save money for Lola to have surgery on her throat
16. go to the CMA's awards
17. learn a little bit of French
18. design a nursery that is magazine worthy
19. teach Kindergarten
20. rent a 10x10 and sell some of my creations
21. go on a cruise with my whole family
22. visit California
23. volunteer at an animal shelter
24. ride two days of RAGBRAI
25. travel to Atlanta to see the Young's
26. snorkel
27. ride in a helicopter
28. buy myself a labtop
29. grow a garden
30. swim with the dolphins
There's my 30 by 30. SO MANY THINGS but I can do it. What's on your list? Make it and start doing things that make you love your life.
Instant Pot Newbie
13 hours ago
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