Thursday, March 24, 2011

Commitments for a Healthier Me

Since I’m a teacher, I have children look up the meaning of words A LOT! I really think it’s important for them to 1) know how to use a dictionary (even though Microsoft  does it automatically for you) 2) build a strong vocabulary, 3) and know how to correctly spell words.
Webster defines commit as:
1) To do or preform. 2) To devote; to pledge
My colleagues and I have been talking a lot about exercising and eating right. Oh my goodness….it’s a never ending battle with me. I admit I have gained weight since high school. I don’t have any motivation to lose 15 lbs. None, none whatsoever. But I desperately want to.  I want to wear shirts and dresses this spring and summer and not be self-conscious about my arms and stomach area. Today, one of my para-educators said, “You can do it, you’re young!” She is exactly right. What is going to happen when I have children? Or just get so busy with life that I can’t find time to work out except at 5:30am in the morning? (which will never happen)
Here are my commitments:
1)      Drinking 64 ounces of water per day.
2)      No diet drinks of any sort.
3)      Doing at least 30 minutes of cardio 4 days a week. (using my step or talking a mile walk around the neighborhood with Lola.
4)      Eating only healthy food. No junk. Donuts, potato chips, Ritz crackers
5)      Taking a daily vitamin
I'm committing to these five things till May 23rd. After that time, I will look at two things. First I will look at my body. Where have I lost inches/weight? Second I will evaluate how I am feeling. Do I have more energy?  These commitments don't seem to hard, do they? If you're up for it, take the challenge with me. :)
It begins tomorrow. Well just the whole eating no junk food and only drinking water. I had two diet drinks so far and ate chocolate cereal for breakfast and ritz crackers for lunch. Opps! I will however exercise today when I get home. I want to burn some calories!!!

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